MMS Electronics Ltd now offers four models of the new EA OLED displays. A small graphic EA OLEDS102-6 (102x64 pixel / 36x25 VA), graphic EA OLEDM128-6 (128x64 / 51x31 VA) and the larger graphic EA OLEDL128-6 (128x64 / 64x37 VA) displays. EA OLEDM204 is an alphanumeric display that can be changed by software to operate as a 4x20, 3x20 or 2x20 (line x character) display. These OLED chip-on-glass COG displays are a slim design and can be plugged into a 0.1” pitch socket or soldered directly into the PCB. No ZIF sockets, fasteners or glueing is required hence saving assembly cost. The displays offer excellent readability, high contrast, wide viewing angle and fast response time over the whole temperature range of -40°C to +80°C. The displays have a convenient SPI and I2C Interface. The displays are manufactured by our trusted supplier Electronic Assembly Gmbh and offer long term product availably.
New OLED displays from Electronic Assembly (Display Visions).
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