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Round, square or very small OLED displays with wide viewing angle and high contrast open up new applications. The OLED displays offer low current, compact module size and extreme wide operating temperature of -40..+80°C. Never before was it possible to use a display at -40°C without adding additional environmental protection and still be able to read the display with quickly changing content. The convenient serial SPI interface and 3.3V supply allows connection to most processors. Applications are hand held instruments and wearables.

EA W064048-XALG, EA W096016-XALB, EA W096016-XALW, EA W096064-XALG

EA W128032-XALG, EA W128064-XALG, EA W128128-XALG,  EA W256064-XALG, EA W256064-XGLG

Link to OLED displays and datasheets



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MMS Electronics Ltd
Unit 3, Whiteley Court
Pool Road, Pool in Wharfedale
Leeds LS21 1FR
United Kingdom


Tel: + 44 (0)1943 877668