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MMS Electronics has a very small IPS TFT colour display available. With just 0.96 inches diagonal, the EA TFT009-81AINN LCD colour display is perfect for use in handheld devices. The high brightness and the wide viewing angle stability of the IPS panel guarantee excellent readability, even under poor light conditions. The display measures 27.9x13.5 mm (0.96") with 80 by 160 pixels. A small but high-resolution graphic displays for colour or black and white designs. The powerful LED backlight gives the display a brightness of up to 500 cd/m². As a result, the display is readability in direct sunlight or under dazzling operating lights. With IPS (In-panel-switching) and AACT (All-angle-colour) technology the colour and contrast remain stable even at very oblique viewing angles. With these small dimensions the display is particularly suitable for use in wearables, measuring probes, sensor products and handheld electronic devices.

The onboard graphics controller ST7735S offers three or four wire SPI. The release of EA TFT009-81AITC with a capacitive PCAP touch panel is also planned. The touch-panel coordinates are read from the I²C interface.

These IPS TFT graphic displays from Electronic Assembly / Display Visions have long term product availability and highly recommended for use in new designs. To speed up the design Arduino sample code for the EA TFT009-81AINN is available.

Main Features

  • 0.96” Low-power TFT, 160x80 pixels
  • Wide viewing angle all around (IPS)
  • Portrait or landscape mode
  • 500cd/m²
  • 3.3 V Single supply
  • Temperature range -20..+70°C
  • Onboard controller ST7735S
  • 4-wire and 3-wire SPI
  • 27.95x13.5 mm outline dimension

link to EA TFT009-81AINN datasheets and web shop.



Contact Us

MMS Electronics Ltd
Unit 3, Whiteley Court
Pool Road, Pool in Wharfedale
Leeds LS21 1FR
United Kingdom


Tel: + 44 (0)1943 877668