MMS Electronics has available EA RaPICOTFT009 from DISPLAY VISIONS. This shield, designed for use with the Raspberry Pi Pico microcontroller board drives a 0.96 inch IPS TFT display EA TFT009-81AINN (without touchpanel) or the EA TFT009-81ATC (with PCAP capacitive touchpanel). This small high definition display (27.9x13.5 mm) has a resolution of 160x180 pixels. The high brightness and wide viewing angle stability of the IPS panel guarantee excellent readability, even under poor light conditions. The powerful LED backlight integrated with this IPS TFT display produces a brightness of up to 500 cd/m². As a result, the display is readability in direct sunlight or even under dazzling lights. With IPS (In-panel-switching) and AACT (All-angle-colour) technology the colour and contrast remain stable regardless of the viewing angle.
The EA RaPICOTFT009 is supplied with the software and C library, numerous functions and detailed documentation. Designed as a “shield”, it can be connected directly to the Rapberry Pi Pico.The Rapberry Pi Pico only uses one of the two SPI interfaces, and one of the 26 GPIO pins (GP13) to drive the EA RAPicoTFT009. The touchscreen version EA RaPicoTFT009TC also uses the I²C bus interface and another GPIO pin (GP8) as an interrupt.
The energy-efficient screen (max. 80 mW) is perfectly suited to various IOT applications. The small dimensions the display makes it suitable for wearables, measuring probes, sensor products and handheld electronic devices.
These IPS TFT graphic displays from MMS Electronics by Display Visions have long term product availability and are highly recommended for use in new designs.
link to EA RaPicoTFT009 documentation and web shop
link to EA RaPicoTFT009TC documentation and web shop
link to EA TFT009-81AINN and EA TFT009-81AITC displays and web shop.