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MMS Electronics introduces the IcNexus smart Android high resolution TFT graphic displays with analogue touch-screen, fast ARM1176 processor and Android OS. 

Available in display sizes: 3.5” (QVGA), 4.3” (HVGA), 7” (WVGA), 8” (SVGA)  and 10” (WSVGA). The Android operating system enables designers to use a large set of open source tools, application, images and icons. The application software can be written with Java object oriented programming using the Eclipse development platform or other software that supports Android 2.3. Communication and interface to external hardware or sensors are easy connected via the RS-232, RS-485, USB or I2C interface. Also line IN, MIC, speaker and SD card connector are supported. Optocoupled input, FET, relay out board or analogue boards with I2C are available. The smart displays can be supplied as open frame or with enclosure.  Supply voltage is 12V DC. Applications include automation, sensing and data logging, POS, vending machine or gym equipment.

MMS Electronics has a new 3.3V 20x4 high-contrast alphanumeric LCD display from the display manufacturer Electronic Assembly Gmbh. The EA DIP203-4 is available in black-on-yellow/green EA DIP203G-4NLED, white-on-blue EA DIP203B-4NLW and black-on-white background EA DIP203J-4NLW. The EA DIP203J-4NLW is outdoor or sunlight readable. The built-in automatic temperature compensation eliminates the need for contrast re-adjustment.  The LCD controller used SSD1803 is 90% HD44780 compatible and has built-in character set of 240 characters, letters and symbols.  Interface is 4 / 8 bit or high speed SPI.  Single 3.3V / 1.5mA operation. Current when using backlight with white LED backlight is max. 45mA and 150mA for the yellow/green backlight. With a temperature range of –20 to +70º C the display is suitable for industrial applications. The EA DIP203B-4NLW replaces the EA DIP204B-4NLW.

Available from MMS Electronics Ltd (MMS-e) is a simple remote control terminal MTWCT22 with email and SMS functions for control and maintenance solutions. The controller from Teltonika can sense signal changes on the inputs and react by controlling outputs, sending alarm text messages (SMS) and emails (SMTP). At any time the I/O conditions can be accessed via SMS or email. The module has 4 digital and 2 analogue inputs. The analogue inputs can be configured for voltage (0-10V) or current (4-20mA) mode. The inputs can be used for monitoring of external devices or connecting sensors analogue and digital. The 4 high current changeover relay outputs can also be controlled via SMS. Dual band 900/1800 MHz. External GSM antenna with 2.5m lead and MMCX connector. DIN rail mounting. Supply voltage 12V to 24VDC. The controller is configured via a web browser connection to the RS-232 port or via the GSM network.

The MTWCT22 is an ideal product for use in a variety of applications such as equipment monitoring, vending machines, security, irrigation and fire alarms, building control, heating, lighting and heating control. Contact MMS Electronics for a quote.

MMS-e has agreed a distributor agreement with Technology Assistance BCNA 2010 S.L. based in Barcelona. New products introduced are a series of Universal Sensors and Transducers interfaces (USTI) and Universal Frequency-to-Digital Converters (UFDC-1) with serial, RS232, SPI and I2C interface. The UFDC-1 can be used for any frequency, period, duty-cycle, pulse-modulated, time interval, phase-shift and pulse number, rpm measurement. The USTI Transducers are suitable for any physical, chemical, electrical or non-electrical sensors.  In addition, the IC can be used for direct interfacing and accurate measurement of capacitive, resistive and resistive bridge sensing elements. Working in the frequency domain simplifies design and circumvents a number of technical and technological problems. For example some advantages of using frequency are: high noise immunity, wide dynamic range, high reference accuracy and simple interfacing.

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Unit 3, Whiteley Court
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Leeds LS21 1FR
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Tel: + 44 (0)1943 877668