EA 9780-4USB Demo & test board for the EA DOG displays
The EA 9780-4USB demo & test board has multiple sockets that fit all DOG displays with and without backlight. Download the free of charge DOG-Simulator and fit a DOG display into the EA 9780-4USB demo board, connect power to the USB and see the display in action. The DOG-simulator can also show the DOG displays on your desktop without any programming. The type text or drag and drop a monochrome picture into the software and the text or picture will be immediately displayed on the DOG display. Demonstrate the display to your team without writing any code. The EA 9780-4USB powers all available alphanumeric and graphic DOG displays.
Download DOG-simulator software v4.6 here.
Click HERE to download the datasheets for this product.
Total Width | 64 |
Total Height | 121 |
Thickness | 15 |
Status | In production |
Interface |
Operating Temperature | -20 ... +70 °C |
Controller | EA |