DOG series character display with 3x16 (3 line x 16 chars), 3.65 mm char height. Extremely thin 2.0mm (display only) or 5.7mm when used with a LED backlight, COG display in STN neg transmissive blue. 3.3 V or 5 V single supply. The display be can soldered directly into the PCB or plugged into a connector with 2.54 mm pitch EA FL-20. The display has a ST7036 controller with SPI and 4-/8- bit parallel interface. Character set is included and an extra 8 free definable characters can be programmed.
With this display the LED backlight needs to be on to read the information.
Possible backlights for use with the EA DOGM163B-A display are EA LED55x31-W (White), EA LED55x31-A (Amber), EA LED55x31-G (Green), EA LEDx31-R (Red) and EA LED55x31-RGB (Full colour). The picture shows the EA DOGM163B-A display with the EA LED55x31-W White backlight.
The LED backlight need to be ordered separately. Click HERE for the EA LED55x31 backlights.
Download the free of charge DOG-Simulator and experiment with all combinations of display technology and LED backlight colours. Show the DOG displays on your desktop without any programming or order the EA 9780-4USB test board to power your display.
Click HERE for more details on the DOG-simulator.
Click here and here to download the datasheets for this product.